By signing up to and enrolling on Tandem MOOC, students will:
- help to establish and maintain a positive and supportive online learning environment;
- treat all other students and tutors and their opinions with respect, cultural sensitivity and politeness;
- treat any information that their partner shares with them as confidential and not retell to third-parties;
- be responsive and participate to the best of their ability;
- be on time for all tandems and let partner know if they need to cancel.
- be supportive and constructive when offering feedback to other students.
- dress appropriately (as they would if they were going to a public event);
- attend all tandems from a suitable and appropriate location (not in a loud public location such as a coffee shop or on a train);
- share any concern that they have about another student with the course team;
- let the course team know immediately if they feel unsafe in a tandem.
The Tandem MOOC team reserves the right to remove students who violate this Code of Conduct from the course.